Students will learn the basic skills necessary to begin using Word. Students will learn how to create and edit documents, use character and paragraph formatting and use page layout features.
Lesson 1: Word basics
Introduction to Word
Creating a new blank document and the basics of entering text
The Save As command
Opening and editing a document
Getting help in Word
Lesson 2: Navigating in a document
Scrolling within a document
Searching a document
Lesson 3: Additional editing techniques
Using AutoCorrect
Techniques for selecting text
Moving text
Lesson 4: Character and paragraph formatting
Basic character formatting techniques
Additional character formatting techniques
Paragraph formatting
Working with indents, numbered lists, and bulleted lists
Line breaks and line spacing
Lesson 5: Introduction to tabs and tables
Working with tabs
Creating a table
Editing tables
Lesson 6: Controlling page appearance
Headers and footers
Modifying margins
Page breaks
Lesson 7: Tools and printing
Using proofing tools
Printing a document
Envelopes and labels
Lesson 8: Creating a Web page
Creating a Web page
Using themes and exiting Word
Computers for Beginners
or equivalent knowledge.
7.5 hours
Distance Learning price | ||
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